Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Inside the Studio....Steve Lawler

Last month we decided to take you behind the scenes of an artists studio, they tend to be very private places for artists, so it is great to be able to share these spaces with you, they often seem to be an extension of the person & their work, filled with weird & wonderful things often used as a colour or texture reference.

 ...This month it is Steve Lawler's studio we are taking a sneaky peak around!

Steve has been kind enough to tell us a little about his studio & how he likes to work............

'My studio is in a room downstairs at my house. I prefer working from home because I often paint late into the night and couldn’t really do that otherwise. I like to have objects, antiques, old books and music around me so I fill my studio with things that I find in antique shops. The studio has two doors that lead directly into the garden which is quite private and not overlooked and has a view of the hills in the distance. Privacy and quiet –except for music - is important to me while I’m working so I’m grateful for my studio and for its location.'

For more information on Steve Lawler or any of our other artists please contact us on 01325 363635

Work in progress - Detail

finished paintings on easel 


Studio - Detail

Friday, 5 February 2016

Inside the studio........

We know that many of you who visit Gallerina will have at some point met & chatted to some of our lovely artists as they are often popping in, however a space which remains very private for most artists is their studio, we are occasionally lucky enough to visit & have a look around an artists studio & we find them really interesting spaces where all of the magic happens..... so we thought we would ask some of the artists to take photographs of their studios & share them with us....

First up is Paul Denham....
Paul's oil paintings are on board and dotted around the studio are antlers & pieces of sharpened wood which he uses to score & scar the boards, this is a big part of his work & is a sculptural approach at first, the 'scars' he creates are then the backbone of the painting.

Paul also uses thick cotton rag paper for his 'studies' a different, gentler approach is used for these, they are mixed media, using, among other things watercolour, charcoal & peat.

For more information on Paul or any of our artists please don't hesitate to call us on 01325 363635.

Upper Teesdale - studio detail

Antler used to score paintings

Work in progress

'The Sheltered Heathland' - Oil on board

'Open Winter' -  Mixed media on paper

Thursday, 28 January 2016


Just a quick reminder......... Gallerina is now on Facebook, you don't have to have a Facebook account yourself to see our page simply click  *HERE*  for a look at our latest posts, or if you are a member don't forget to 'like' us in order to keep up to date with what is new.

'Broken Echoes' by Gary Crozier

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Happy New........Paintings!!

Christmas & New Year is all a distant memory of party hats & mince pies now!!
It is back to business as usual which for us is very exciting, we have a busy 2016 ahead of us, with new artists in the pipeline alongside the wonderful artists we already show who are all producing fantastic work.

Esther Tyson has sent us some fantastic New paintings (Pictured Below)
Graham Vasey is working on an exciting series of photography based on fishing the River Tees, which is looking great & James Paterson is working on commissions too (pictured below a couple of James commission from 2015)

Esther Tyson - Sparrow

James Paterson - Commission 2015

James Paterson - 2015