Wednesday, 12 October 2011


James Paterson
James Paterson - commission
commission • oil • 127cm x 101cm

James Paterson has been busy recently with his commissioned work. These portraits range from small intimate head studies to large scale portraiture like the latest work shown here.

James says "This new portrait is possibly one of my most complicated paintings with a lot of different elements that had to be balanced. The couple (Fritz & Bev) in the painting travelled South America on a motorcycle and the painting is not only of them but of their journey too.

It's always nice to technically experiment and push your work further; however a commissioned portrait is not the safest way to achieve this. After speaking to them I knew they would be very open to new ideas and so I went with my gut and painted without any constraint.

I wanted to capture a sense of movement (but not speed) and so the bike became fractured and I used from their own postcards which acted like markers dotted onto the canvas. On these postcards were images of roads which again added to a sense of travel and movement. One of these postcards depicts a landslide. This was chosen as after talking with them about their trip, you realise how adventurous you must be to embark on a journey of this type. This is not your average package holiday but the rewards are far greater!"

If you would like to see more of James' commissions then please click here, or contact the gallery if you would like further details on how to go about commissioning a piece.

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