Wednesday, 16 November 2011

New Steven Lawler painting...

Double Cross
Steven Lawler - double cross
double cross • oil • 120cm x 60cm

Steven Lawler has just been in the gallery to deliver his new piece of work entitiled 'Double Cross'.

Steve says 'Double Cross comes out of my interest in film storyboards and comic books - in the way that a story or part of a story can be told in a sequence of panels. I'm also interested in how the size and shape of panels can dictate the speed at which the eye reads the story – which is actually a way of controlling time. I'm a big fan of 1940's and 50's ' film noir ' crime movies which is where the inspiration for the look and characters in Double Cross comes from. The lynchpin of the whole painting is the butterfly perched on the hand poised ready to dial the telephone – when the hand moves to dial a number the butterfly will flap its wings and the effect of the call will resonate somewhere else in the world or in the case of 'Double Cross', in the final two panels.

To see a larger version of the painting then click on the image above. If you would like any further information don't hesitate to contact us.

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