Wednesday, 16 May 2012

James Paterson

James Paterson - batgirl no. 385 detail
batgirl no. 385 detail • oil • 50cm x 70cm

James Paterson - I didn't have a choice
I didn't have a choice • oil • 102cm x 153cm

James Paterson - batgirl march no. 385
batgirl march no. 385 • oil • 102cm x 128cm

"These new paintings are based on superheroes from comics. While I enjoyed comics as a child I would never describe myself as a true fan and so with no real plans I began looking at old comic books not sure what I would find and how it could apply to my process. What instantly returned were memories of intensely studying comics as a child and a love of the artwork, and then what became more exciting was what happened when these line drawings were over scaled onto large canvases. From there I knew that more than any other subject matter before I could be far bolder with brush marks, explore very abstract shapes and repetition without losing the figurative quality.
These first paintings have been a very exciting challenge and I'm really happy with their simple colour, dynamic graphic feel and a chance to reuse Lichtenstein's benday dots in a way that mimics my own 'smudgy' style." James Paterson.

Click here, to view James' page or if you would like any further information on his work please contact us.

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